Student led Christian groups at all AUT campuses. 

We are a bunch of students that love Jesus and want to live that out on campus.

Our purpose and DNA is simple: We seek to know Christ more and make Him known on campus. We have been going since the 90s and we are under the umbrella of the national group – Tertiary Student Christian Fellowship (TSCF) which is over 80 years old.

Our vision is to know Christ and make Him known through our weekly small groups and outreach.

What should I expect?

Expect to be loved, expect to encounter Christ, expect to be changed. 

In small groups each week we get to know Jesus better by opening up His word –the Bible. It’s a group discussion so it’s relaxed and all questions and anyone is welcome to join.

Simply come along if you would like to grow in your faith or examine the claims of Christianity. We also spend time outside the group hanging out with one another and just having fun, so expect to make friends!

Throughout the year we also do weekly outreaches on campus and host events where we look at the historical Jesus as He is found in the Bible. 

When do we meet?

We meet for small groups every week, you are welcome to join us:

North Campus
Mondays 12pm AE study rooms, Mondays 6pm AZ near cafe;

City Campus
Mondays 2pm WF302, Fridays 3pm WG608;

South Campus
Thursdays 12pm MH level 1

Reaching students for Christ,

changing students for life

Get in Touch

Please get in touch or email us if you have any questions about AUTCF, Christianity or would like an in-person chat over coffee. For current updates on AUTCF join our Facebook group.

Affiliated with:

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Thank you for contacting us! We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.